Released Editorial
Review the Editorial that Dr. Motamed developed on the critical role of ventricle pressure-volume loop analysis, a powerful tool to assess cardiac mechanics that could reveal pathophysiological mechanisms of heart failure, including heart failure with…

Keynote speech at Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and CFD Society of Canada
Dr. Motamed is a Keynote Speaker at the joint conference of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the CFD Society of Canada in May 2023, entitled “The essential role of fluid dynamics modeling in…

Look into your heart: engineering researchers’ cardiac imaging breakthrough
Engineering researchers’ cardiac imaging breakthrough. Full story of this development by Motamed lab:

New paper collection on CFD for the Study of Cardiovascular Disease
As the Guest Editor of “Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Study of Cardiovascular Disease” collection for Scientific Reports -Nature, Dr. Motamed invites you to submit your research.

Call for papers for Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Dr. Motamed as the Lead Guest Editor of “Novel computational fluid dynamics methods for diagnosis, monitoring, prediction, and personalized treatment for cardiovascular disease and cancer metastasis” of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology invites you to…

CMBBE 2023
Prof. Motamed will chair a session on “Novel methods to advance diagnostic and treatment value of medical imaging for valvular disease and their intervention” at CMBBE 2023 Symposium. Submit your abstract if you are interested.

IEEE invited talk
Dr. Motamed was invited by IEEE to give a talk on “The Critical Role of Computational Modeling in Future Diagnostic, Monitoring, and Predictive Tools for Cardiovascular Diseases” on November 29, 2022. Please register if you…

Invited talk at Convergence between high tech & medical care
Dr. Motamed will give an invited talk at Convergence between High Technology and Medical Care Aiming to Precision Cardiology entitled “The critical role of diagnostic, monitoring, and predictive tools in patients with valvular disease and…
Distinguished Lecture at Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
Dr. Motamed will present “An ultrasound-based diagnostic, monitoring, and predictive framework for patients with valvular disease and TAVR” at the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (Distinguished Lecturer Series), Michigan, USA on Friday (October 7, 2022)…